What is the Livermore Youth Climate Summit?
The Livermore Youth Climate Summit is a one-day interactive event for high school youth to gather and take action on climate change!
Quest Science Center and Tri-Valley Air Quality Climate Alliance are teaming up with the City of Livermore, Livermore Area Recreation and Parks District, and Livermore Valley Unified School District to bring you an unforgettable gathering dedicated to supporting youth-driven climate awareness and action.
This is a hands-on, high-energy Summit by and for young people from all backgrounds to:
- Learn about local issues & solutions
- Hear from Bay Area experts & youth leaders
- Connect with like-minded youth
- Create solutions-focused action plans
- Mobilize with guidance & resources
Participation is free and includes food. You will also have a chance to learn about the City of Livermore’s new Climate Action Plan.
Who should attend?
Interested local high school youth who want to connect with others and learn what they can do to address climate change. Our goal is to bring together 150-200 youth who want to make a difference.
Saturday, September 9, 2023, 10:00AM to 3:00PM
Robert Livermore Community Center
4444 East Ave, Livermore, CA 94550
10:00AM Doors Open
10:30AM Plenary Session
- Navigating Climate Challenges: Actions for California Teens
- Dr. Kimberley Mayfield – Lawrence Livermore National Lab
- Leading on Local Climate Action: Empowering Our Community
- Mayor John Marchand – City Of Livermore
- Climate Action is Good for People and the Planet
- Timothy Burroughs – Executive Director StopWaste
12:00PM Climate Friendly and Waste Conscious Lunch
12:30PM – 2:30PM Hands-on Activities
2:30PM – 3:00PM Closing Session
- Kahoot Game
- FREE! – Heat Pump Water Heater Raffle provided by Barnett Plumbing
Help us spread the word by sharing the event flyer with your school or community or on social media.
Supporting Organizations
This Youth Climate Summit is based on a model started by The Wild Center. The Wild Center’s Youth Climate Program works globally to convene and empower young people to implement climate action plans in their schools and communities through Youth Climate Summits. We are also learning from the Bay Area Youth Climate Summit and other regional events.