Our Approach

You Belong – at Quest Science Center

Quest is committed to fostering inclusion and to creating a welcoming experience, so people of all ages and backgrounds feel a sense of belonging and excitement in the exploration of science.

Our Vision

Connecting everyone to the value of science

Our Mission

To inspire & nurture everyday exploration for lifelong engagement with science & technology

Quest takes science and learning to a whole new level!

Hands-on experiences. Open-ended exploration. Friends and families on a journey of discovery.

student teacher

We design hands-on experiences that…

  • Spark Curiosity through fun and open-ended exploration. We value the role of play and asking questions as a part of the learning process.
  • Cultivate Exploration by supporting learning through science practices and engineering design. We value authentic scientific phenomena, tools and experiences.
  • Inspire Solutions by providing opportunities to understand and address problems in our local and global community. We value real-world learning that addresses real-world challenges.
  • Foster Inclusion by creating a place where everyone belongs and can help create relevant content to encourage critical thinking and showcase the science that surrounds us. We value differences and work to make community and career connections that provide opportunities for all.
  • Nurture Learning through self-awareness and by facilitating a community that embraces a growth mindset and supports learning with others. We value connections, collaboration and collective accomplishment.
Quest Educational Approach

Everyone Belongs

Quest Science Center is committed to fostering inclusion and creating a welcoming experience, so people of all backgrounds and races feel a sense of belonging and excitement in the exploration of science.

As part of this commitment, we have become a member of the OF/BY/FOR ALL Change Network, a global community of civic and cultural organizations working to be “of, by, and for” the diverse communities we serve.

Over the next 12 months we will participate, learn and grow through the program, and bring those skills back to Quest to ensure we continue to create a racially diverse and inclusive community.

Learn more about the program here.