LSSC received checks of $50,000 from Alameda County on May 1, 2019, and of $5000 from the Rotarian Foundation of Livermore on May 7, 2019. The Alameda County grant was obtained by Supervisor Scott Haggerty with the assistance of Chief of Staff Shawn Wilson and Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Thurman and was approved by the Alameda County Supervisors at their February 26 meeting. The money will be used for developing the building design, exhibit concepts, and a professional business plan for a regional science learning center in downtown Livermore. The Rotarian Foundation of Livermore grant was awarded February 20 and will be used to expand our hydrology and aerodynamics interactive exhibits to include a wider coverage of those topics. It was presented to Vaughn Draggoo and Alan Burnham by Ken Perine, Foundation President, and Pat Coyle.