Math Marvels
June 17, 2023, 11-2 pm
Examine the math behind puzzles, games, and magic

Activities 11-12:30 am, 1-2 pm
- Welcome Table
2 Game & Puzzle Exchange
3 Magic Eggs, Bicyclist & Missing Square
4 Take-Away Game
5 Trapdoor Card
7 Map Colors
8 Spirograph & Hopscotch
9 Think of a Number
10 Missing Dollar & Poking Fun at Math
11 Survey Spectacles
12 Möbius Strip & Hexa-hexaflexagon
13 Card Games

Magic Performance 12:30-1 pm
Experience the improbable and the impossible through magic. Caleb Cheung, Quest’s Chief Learning Officer, performed a brand new set of magic tricks with coins, games, and puzzles that test the laws of probability.
Event Photos
Thank you to Mike Carter for being our event photographer!